

你是否想要经营公司, 开创新事业, 或者获得能让你升职的学位, St. galaxy银河娱乐场app's MBA program can prepare you to be an innovative business leader who motivates and inspires others and surpasses all professional goals.

To complement the strong foundation of upper-level business management courses, you get to choose a concentration: Leadership or 一般业务.


我们的毕业生工作 at Deere & 公司,Alliant能源,MCI,嘉吉,UPS等等. 


  • 相关的重点,有价值的教训
  • 灵活的方案与两个行业集中
  • GMAT不需要
  • 在线课程




把你的野心带到圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app, and we'll provide a more personal learning experience to help you succeed. Our attentive MBA faculty integrate current trends and real-world best practices. 你获得了领导力, project, and planning skills to help you leverage your strengths and broaden your horizons.





The St. Ambrose H.L. McLaughlin MBA program is nationally accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). St. galaxy银河娱乐场app is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.




Our 工商管理硕士 program was launched in 1977, and it was the first College of Business graduate program offered at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app.

1984年,该项目被正式命名为H.L. 麦克劳克林MBA课程后成为当地著名商人. Many business and management practices have changed in the past 40 years, and our program continues to evolve to meet the needs of 商业人士.

我们提供相关的教育吗? 我们在2015年对MBA毕业生进行了调查,结果如下:

  • 100% reported the MBA program met or exceeded their expectations.
  • 9 out of 10 ranked leadership skill development among the program's greatest strengths.
  • 94%的学生会再次选择南澳大学MBA.
  • 9 out of 10 graduates said classwork was relevant and applicable to their job and career.

We are proud to offer an MBA program taught by PhDs with deep experience in their specialty. 他们是galaxy银河娱乐场app and 商业人士.


The St. galaxy银河娱乐场appMBA课程要求学生 选择一个集中的区域, which helps you become an expert in your current or future career field. 你可以选择领导力或一般业务.

我们的MBA教授从他们的 几十年的职场经验 把他们的知识传授给你. Faculty are experts from all sectors of business and management ranging from international and communication to workforce and organizational behavior.

作为一所以文科为基础的大学, 鼓励发现和新的思维方式 which will help transform you into a capable and competent manager. You'll not only be able to solve current problems but also think nimbly as new problems arise.


Amber Brackey '17 MBA, '18 MOL, earned two graduate degrees from the St. galaxy银河娱乐场app College of Business and gained a deeper level of professional knowledge that is recognized and appreciated. 读她的故事.

  • Gayle Roberts是Stanley Consultants的总裁, a Muscatine, Iowa-based firm that provides engineering services across the globe.
  • Joe Bailey '12, '14 MBA, is the Senior Learning Consultant for Cerner Corporation in Kansas City, Mo.
  • 伊娃·唐丹维尔(Eva Dondanville) 11届MBA,是鲁尔(Ruhl)的房地产经纪人&鲁尔房地产公司在爱荷华州迪比克.     
  • Joe Conklin '12 MBA is the Athletic Director for Alleman High School, Davenport.
  • Collin Grady '16 MBA is a Field Supervisor for Northwest Mechanical, Davenport.

Your master's degree is an investment in you, your career, and your future.

2022-23学年的学费 座席和在线课程是每学时755美元吗. 也有一些费用(见下文).

虽然成本似乎令人望而生畏, the MBA program offers research assistantships that can defray some of the expense. Many employers offer tuition reimbursement, and if so, you may qualify for deferred payment.

MBA students may be eligible for federal and state student aid, or low-interest federal loans. 我们的财政援助办公室可以提供更多的信息.

如果你是退伍军人, 联系娜塔莉·伍德赫斯特. 她是军事福利方面的专家, and her job is to make sure veterans get the benefits for which they are eligible.


2023 - 24的费用

9个或以上学时的研究生$280/年. (140美元/学期)
8个或更少学时的研究生140美元/年. (70美元/学期)


Dan Ebener, DBA,教授
杰西卡·格林沃尔德,博士,副教授. Professor
大卫·奥康奈尔, DBA,教授
Jie Peng,博士,副教授. Professor



36学分的MBA基础课程由12门课程组成. 所有课程为三个学分.

另外, students earn one specialized MBA concentration (see below) that complements the foundation. 每个专业需要四门选修课.


MBA 600数据分析决策
MBA 606管理会计
MBA 621组织中的人类行为
MBA 626管理经济学
MBA 675财务管理
MBA 680营销管理
MBA 800战略管理

Click here to read course descriptions in the online course catalog


Students are required to complete a concentration comprised of four courses. Concentrations provide an even greater focus to your studies and add relevance to your degree.

浓度 领导及一般业务 have been developed for students who wish to focus their studies in a specific discipline.

Leadership (任选四个)
MOL 501领导理论
MOL 529冲突管理
MOL 540领导力沟通
MOL 625领导组织变革
MBA 690领导力通过人际技能
MBA 691对话技巧

Choose a combination of any four courses that are offered as electives.

Click here to read course descriptions in the online course catalog


We are the only university in Iowa offering a three-year Master of Social Work-工商管理硕士 program (both programs are accredited). It pairs management together with empowerment so that you are uniquely poised to explore and tackle social issues using ethical business sense.

It's a great degree for students who want to be leaders in the field of social work and non-profits. Graduates are able to move agencies and corporations forward in an ever-changing market.


Here is what our first MSW-MBA graduate says about the benefits of her dual degree.


如果你在春季或秋季学期开始时申请, you can complete the degree in as few as 14 months by taking two courses per 8-week session.

然后,朝着获得硕士学位迈出下一步 申请工商管理硕士课程.

Anthony Ash, 15届MBA

Our MBA alumni lead companies and divisions in the region and across the world. We provide a responsive education focused on your needs and those of businesses seeking progress and professionals who can deliver. 安东尼通过我们的挑战提高了他的技能, ethics-based curriculum and gained a broad business foundation that he continues to build on today.

博·德克斯特移动头像 博·德克斯特

Beau Dexter

Bachelor of Arts in Management '11; 工商管理硕士,创世纪医疗系统人力资源总监, Davenport, Iowa,2012届毕业生

We challenge our MBA students to become excellent and ethical professionals by providing an education that is broad, relevant, 并且超出了预期. Beau sought a program that would lead to professional advancement. With the help of professors and classmates with genuine business experience, 他接受的教育给了他很多东西. 他每天都在应用这些课程和技能.


Apply Visit Info


Tony Ketelaar,研究生招生办主任

518 W. Locust St.
达文波特,IA 52803


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